Thursday, June 30, 2005

Music scene

You know I remember a time when the music scene would turn over every 10 years, every decade had its own kind of soundtrack. Now it seems that music is turning over every few years. And by that I mean that the new "In" sound changes. Of course it very hard now to classify music. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It just seems as if everyone and every band is just chasing the "Next big thing". Here's a great example. Rage Against The Machine came out in 1994 (I think that is when I started listening to them) and melted everyone's faces (Sorry I just watched School of Rock again and that line always makes me chuckle). Then About two years after that there was this big boom for Rap/Rock. Now I would like to say that it was because Rage was influencing these new bands to adopt that style of music but anyone who actually listens to decent music would have to agree that their sound could not be recreated or copied with any positive results. The end product of these bands are always the same, they seem to be trying to hard. And if I hear one more song about peoples parents treating them bad I'm going to be sick. Now we have bands like Lincon Park who feel the need to have a rapper and a turn table, and a bad rapper at that. You have to wonder if they really wanted to do that type of music, or if they just though they needed the turntable and the rapper to sell records?

Are Lincon Park cool still? I cant keep track. I try to listen to new music, it just doesn't have much substance for me. Maybe cause the only place I can hear new music is The Point and I'm sure that is selective to what will keep kids listening to the music.

You know what made me feel old, my nephew was singing a song to himself. As I listened closer I realized he was singing the new Green Day track, oblivious to its meaning. Witch is ok cause he's young, he hasn't been beaten down by life enough to realize what Billy Joe is saying. But I still asked him about it and he said Green Day is all the rage now.......It's scary, I like the same music as my nephew. Oh well. Again just random thoughts, I'm not sure any of this made any sense but I have always made a promise to be "Point Free" when I talk, so its really just more of the same.

What all this really comes down to is most new music sucks and I wish o could find a new band to listen to.

Oh well

Need More Blogs

Been looking around for the last hour or two and I cannot find one blog out there that interests me. Witch makes me think that I need to start updating this more with what I'm thinking. Because most of what I just read over the last hour was douchebags talking about nothing, I guess they rant because no one else will listen to them. Or they just plain don't know anyone to talk to. Of course the same can be said about most Blogs, including this one.

If anyone out there has a decent blog to read email me.

Of course I think only 3 people read this so the chance that someone will email me is slim.

Oh well....Maybe some random thoughts later.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

One More Review For June

Ascend OGN- This was horrible, the worse story/story telling I have ever read. The art was so so, and at most times I could not differentiate between the characters. I was lost on this the minute I started to read it. Witch is kind of sad because I was really looking forward to it, but it ended up sucking. I had to re-read multiple parts just to get an idea of what was happening. The art I think would have been great for covers, not interiors. And most comics without word balloons bother me, especially when you cant figure out from the art who is talking. Oh well, it was a disappointment. Now don't get me wrong, the idea (from what I can grasp of it) would have been great for more of a monthly 2 year run. I think the idea behind it was just too complex to be stuffed into a OGN. I felt like all the characters were in the same house and just running into each other every 5 minutes when they needed to fight.

That's all the stuff I have to read this month. Should get a bunch of stuff beginning of next month.

Now I'm reading the Bass Pro catalogs in the crapper. They have everything you never knew you wanted!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Camping Trip Stuff

People going camping and
What day they are commming down

Alan - Fri afternoon
James - Fri afternoon
Pat - Fri afternoon
Steve - Fri afternoon
Bill - Fri afternoon
Tim - Thurs afternoon
Les - Thurs afternoon
Mike - Thurs afternoon
Josh - Wed nigh
Matt - Wed nigh
Mark - Wed nigh
Jacob - Wed nigh

Price Break Down

Food - 17$ per person

Float - 22.50$ per person (Edit I was dumb and looked at the wrong price)

Beer - 20$ per person

Monday, June 20, 2005

Again more comic reviews.

I know most of the people that read this don't like this part, but it pacifies me when I'm bord.

Rex Mundi TPB vol 2 The River Underground- I can't get enough of this, i love this title. It is very intelligent and well thought out. I feel as though I'm reading a more in depth "Indiana Jones". I'm guessing people would compare this to "DaVinci's Code", but since i haven't ever read that book i cannot comment on that. But its a great read, and i think there is 3 more issues after this TPB, but i think i will wait for the next trade because there is so much that happens and so many terms and characters i think it would be hard to follow it monthly.

Man With The Screaming Brain- This title is a Comic based off a screen play written by Bruce Campbell. Now you can see why i just had to try it out. Its a Noir story full of wacky fun, and the art is just as wacky. Its funny and fun and i think i will probably pick up the next 2 issues and I'm sure ill watch the movie if and when it comes out. Because you gotta like all things Bruce Campbell, anyone who coins the phrase "This is my boomstick" is alright with me!

The Walking Dead #17 and #18- Typically good Walking Dead stuff here, but its getting way too much like a soap opera and if it doesn't change soon I'm going to have to drop the title. I mean the written is great and the art is great, but i deal with enough little whinny bitches I'm my life, i don't want to read about them. I need more zombies eating each other. But I'll have to say by the looks of the new cover i think its about to get more interesting. Ill keep this one on the list for a while.

The Goon #12- It's The Goon, how can it be bad? Now I will have to say this wasn't one of my favorite issues, but its still Eric Powells wacky funness (not sure that is a word), so yea it was good. I believe it will always be good forever. Can you tell I'm a Goon fan, it's one of the two comics that got me back into reading comics. The other, Route 666, is no longer being published. Not much more to say about it besides there is no reason that everyone should not be buying this.

Billy The Kids Old Tyme Oddities #2- Again more good stuff from Eric Powell, although I wish he would illustrate this, Kyle Holtz does a great job. More fun comics from these two. I like the fact that the creators aren't trying to push the envelope or have a hidden meaning. Its just plain fun. Go buy it and enjoy it!

30 Days Of Night Bloodsucker Tales #8- Now i like Steve Niles, but this was one of my least favorite series from him. I will continue to buy it because of Matt Fractions Lex Nova, but the Niles story just isn't that strong for me. I have to say I'm beginning to hate Ben Templesmith interior work. I love his covers, but i get lost in his interior's. Oh well Lex Nova is funny as hell, will continue for that.

Dampyr Vol 2 Night Tribe- This book is still good, still having problems with some of the dailog. But hey its old and its a translation. I think it will get better with some of the later issues. Its a good old Blade meets Van Helsing story. I will keep reading this as long as the put it out in English, witch i fear will not be long. I think this thing has more than 60 volumes!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Branson....Home of the moronic.

I just got back from the family vacation in branson and let me tell you, there must have been a moron convention in town. The whole town only has a population of about 6000 people, and I'm sure they aren't morons....but along with those 6000 people are at least 5,000,000 tourist douche baggin it up all over the roads and attractions. Lets start with the strip, this is 50 miles of pure country shit. Every kind of stand, show, restaurant and t shirt shop you can think of. Yea 50 miles of crap blinking at me and wanting me to spend an exuberant amount of money on something that is only worth, at maximum ,1/2 of what you paid for it. And that's not the worse part of the strip, the bad part is the fucking morons driving down the strip with there head bobbing right and left looking for there favorite go kart place, or that perfect t shirt that uncle assface would "just love". Notice at no point did I say that people are looking forward.....because they aren't! Most peoples natural reaction to turning right or left is to put on the brakes. So not only was I subjected to miles and miles of country crap, I had to see and experience it at a painfully slow pace. I saw red at least a dozen times, the red hot rage was built up in me so much that I was 2 minutes and one more sudden stop from pulling over and beating the nearest driver with a put-put golf club. Seriously retarded. Do people know they are being fuck bags at places like that?

On to more fun. Silver Dollor City, now this place was decent, except the people at the door that want you to buy a picture of yourself after I spent a massive amount of money on addmition to a theme park that I was damn sure I want going to have any fun at. I say the place was decent cause the moron level was actually pretty low, no one bothered me. And the fun part was watching my 12 month old playing at the water pack thing (witch by the way I could have simulated the whole "water park" Experience with a hose and knife), but it was fun to watch him.

Ok on to my accommodations. I stayed with my mother, step father, brother, sister in law and there 3 kids. All in one "condo" thing. So to say the least I wanted to kill someone, and it was only a 3 day trip.

I got to fish one of the days, well part of the day. We caught some bluegill, fishing just insn't as fun sober. I had to fish with my brothers boy who is just a plain whinny little bitch, but after I put him on some fish he calmed down and quit being a little bitch.

And lastly I was given no choice and paid for a couple of tickets to the "showboat". Now those that know me would be laughing right now. I don't do shows.... I don't do song and dance. At least the douchebags were limited to what was on stage....I mean talking dogs, how unfunny is that? All the people were ok on the boat.....but you see my son has just discovered walking, and the last place in the world a kid that has just discovered walking needs to be is on a boat watching a 2 hour show full of douchebags. So needless to say I didn't see too much of the show, witch I didn't mind. After the show my family got lost...We didn't thanks to my wife who is a human GPS machine. And to top it off my mother askes me before we leave "are you mad at me". So all and all this was the worst vacation that I have ever been apart of......

don't go to branson.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Comic Reviews

Event Horizon Vol 1- I was really looking forward to reading this book because of the hype that was surrounding it. Ill have to say that the art was incredible. Now the writing was not too bad, but the art is what is really on display here. Most of the stories just didn't jump out at me, except one. "The Cure" is one of the best shorts I've read in a long time. Steve Nile's story wasn't bad. But the Jed Lightsear story was a chore to read, at the end I started getting into it, but at first it was hard to follow. This book is great to look at and not too bad to read, I would recommend it.

Deep Sleeper TPB- Now I will have to he honest and say that the only reason I bought this was because of Phil Hester and Huddleston's and their excellent job he did on "The Coffin". I'm glad I did, this was hands down the best story I have read all year, and maybe last year. The kind of horror that he wrote was incredible, it was more of a situational scare than a "big monster chainsaw kinda guy" scary. So in short this was great and everyone should go buy it, read it and enjoy it.

More reviews commons.....but I have to read the stuff first.

On my list of stuff to read is.

Clive Barkers Thief of Always TPB Vol 2
ascend OGN
Rex Mundi TPB vol 2

and a whole crap load of singles.....I don't think I'm going to get through all this crap before my next monthly shipment comes in!

Check out new ALP.....its funny!

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Doors

So I'm listening to The Doors (the album "The Doors") and it occurred to me that they might be the only band that can pull off using and electric organ so much. I can't think of one other band that uses an organ, much less makes it sound cool. Maybe a lot of bands used an organ back in 1967 and The Doors where the only one to make it big out of all of them.

On more Doors related news, I heard on KSHE (I think it was yesterday) that the remaining members of the doors approached Perry Ferrel for a new Doors album. Talk about weird.....but if you think about it Ferrel's style would fit well.

Ok back to work.

Something to keep you from working.

In case anyone has missed this, it could be the funniest web comic strip of all time.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Jedi Dorks


Here is the deal. The Jedi religion does not exist. It never did, its just something that Lucas made up. There i said it. HE MADE IT UP.

Dorks here me now, it really is just a movie. You will never master the force, there is no force to master. In fact the only thing you will master is the ability to keep yourself form getting laid.....EVER!

I liked Star Wars. I grew up with it. My brother was a borderline dork about it. But its over now. This is just a story from one dude, that is it.

So in closing, DORKS KNOCK IT OFF.

I would be afraid of pissing someone off if i truly thought anyone was reading this.

On second thought no I wouldn't, there dorks!

Question Of The Day

Being bord and out of things to talk about here I went on over to and looked around for a topic of some sort. Well it turns out most of it sucks, so I grabbed a question that seemed to suck less than the other's, so here goes.

Which would you choose, to spend the night in a cemetery, or in a haunted house?

My answer seems to all to be obvious, but for other reasons that you would think. See a cemetery, I would imagine, would be hella uncomfortable to sleep in. On top of that it would be boring. You can go "explore" a cemetery, you pretty much know what is out there. Its a bunch of headstones and mausoleums. Now I guess you could break into a mausoleum, but that seems to be too much work for not much payoff. I guess you could sleep in one of those empty spaces in the mausoleums, but that seems to claustrophobic. Maybe I should ask my buddy what that's like, he did it during Mardi Gras cause he was too stupid to book a room but that's another story.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I would rather walk around a haunted house for a night than a cemetery. I think the house would be fun, actually I always wanted to do just that. But my friends are too large of {} to do it with me. I guess I could just do it by myself, but what kind of fun would that be? Plus haunted houses always come with a creepy tour guide, like in Scooby Doo! Maybe I could solve a mystery.... naw I would prolly just drink a lot of beer and wonder why the lights keep flickering and tell who ever it is in the attic to stop rattling those chains I'm trying to sleep.

Ok that's enough suck for right now.....Maybe ill find something worthwhile later today.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Just in case anyone has seen one.

Here is a link to report an Antichrist. You know....just in case you know one.

Almost done with reviews

Desolation Jones #1- This is another Ellis title and it looks to be a good one. Per Ellis this is supposed to be a long run title like Transmetropolition was, so that makes me happy. My only bitch about this, and other Ellis created characters is, they all seem to be the same. Now we have had only one issue, so I'm guessing the characters will be flushed out more in subsequent issues. But you know what they say "do what you can do well". Over all I liked this issue and I will be adding this to my list of monthlies I get, witch by the way is dwindling.

The Gift #11- Ok, someone tries to kill the ancient one because the ancient one gave him the power to exact revenge on his cheating wife and ends up in prison. The reason that I don't like this is......he didn't need the ancient ones gift to murder the dude that was popin his wife, it just didn't make sense. The guy that got the gift was in the army and you would think he was capable of doing the deed without the "frost" power that the ancient one had given him. Well the dude failed to kill the ancient one....imagine that. This issue was just plain horrible. I've been worried for some time about this title and how long these little stories could be sustained. We have learned next to nothing about the main character (The ancient one), and the people he gives his "Gift" to we know even less about. I stopped getting the monthly on this one. I will pick up the next trade if it makes it that far only because the author (Raven Gregory) said all these stories are supposed to start fitting together. I figured it would start happening by now.....but it hasn't yet.