Friday, July 29, 2005

Check it out.

Check out master shake at the end of the page.

complements of

Thank you whoever you are.

Things I don't get about comics

I was just reading on Newarama this morning about Kevin Smith finally finishing the scripts for his series "Spidy/Black Cat" from way back in 2002. And if you start reading the posts of peoples reaction to this news they are genuinely upset and angry at him for being so late. I don't think I have ever been upset that a comic, book, movie ect didn't come out on time. Maybe I just have other things to do.....But it really doesnt bother me to see these things delayed. Also like the Ellis run on Iron Man, again I assume it will come out sooner than later. And if it doesn't, I'll pick up another book to read. I think this might be why I don't go to comic book stores too often, I really don't care to talk about what a particular creator is doing. Or what is going to happen in the next book. I just read them when the come to me in the mail. Maybe I'm just not a "fanboy" and that's alright, I like it that way.

On another comics note I wanted to go to HeroCon next year but alas I cant. I'm going on the family fishing trip to Canada. I would ask if anyone wants to get some books signed for me, but I think I would rather just meet the creators in person.

Also Swamp Thing is getting good. I swear Alan Moore was just on a long head trip while sleeping with the trees in a national Forrest. But I'm liking it so I will prolly buy the rest of the trades.

That is all.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Camping trip

The camping trip is right around the corner and everything is falling into place. Canoes are reserved, beer is ordered, all there is left is to go shopping and do a little cooking. I'm very excited. If I haven't explained this camping trip before let me do that now. This is a 3 day drinking hard were 10 of my closest friends grab 2 kegs and go camping on the bank of a river in the middle of no where. We have to 4wheel into the camping spot, set up.....And drink. Last year we floated both kegs, I hope to do the same this year. I'm almost giddy. Oh yea we float the river one day in canoes. I'm sure there will be pictures this year.....Well maybe that wont be such a good idea.
Just have to pray for no rain! Its less than 2 weeks away and nothing can get me down.

That is all

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Wow the first 10 hour day back from vacation is a killer. And of course my boy woke up at 12am and 2am this morning for no apparent reason. He normally sleeps through the night so that was kind of strange. I'm dead tried this morning and working on my second cup of coffee.

I started reading "Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 1 by Alan Moore" last night and I just got through the foreword by Alan Moore before I had to stop reading. If the rest of this run is as good as reading the forward, I think I'll like it. Now, I have already read #1 and I loved that so I guess if all goes well I will be buying more trades in the future.

Anyone that happens on this Blog that doesn't know me, and has a Website, Blog, Podcast ect. Please email it to me, I'd like to check it out.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Back from vacation

Now that is what I call a vacation. I just lounged all day drinking beer and watching my son play in the pool. Went on a pretty good boat ride and I caught a few fish. The only downside was that it was 115 degrees outside, so yea it was fucking hot. But it didn't rain, so I got that going for me. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened. I didn't encounter any stupid people. We drove back up here Tuesday because I had to coach a baseball team in the second round of the playoffs, witch the kids won in the 8th. We drove back down that night and had a couple of beers and passed out. Then we came back on Saturday and the kids won the championship game. They really played well all year and not one of them bitched once.

Come to think of it I did see something weird down at the lake. A dude in the cabin above the pool lost a bet and had to dress up in a cheerleader outfit and do a cheer. Consequently we got drunk with that guy till 4am....Then I was in trouble, but we wont talk about that.

Milkmen Murders #4- I liked the series, I though the ending was a little week. But all and all still great and I recommend it to anyone who likes disturbing stuff.

I didn't get to read anything else this week cause I forgot it all.

More reviews and stuff as it comes available.

Friday, July 15, 2005

More Milkman

Milkman Murders #3- Again just great. This is what real horror is supposed to be. A mom getting sick of her abusive family then murdering them. The shot where she skins her daughter is priceless. So this series is still good.

Trying something new at the bottom here so ignore this.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Isn't technology great?

EAST SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -- A 51-year-old man was arrested Wednesday for using his cell phone to take pictures up women's skirts at a Wal-Mart store.Police said a store security camera caught Darrol Jones Jr. of Syracuse taking the pictures of a 19-year-old woman. Once in custody, police discovered Jones had photographs of several women stored on his phone.Jones was charged with unlawful surveillance and was being held in jail on $10,000 bail.

I'm really supirsed I haven't heard anything like this until now. The really sad part of this is that I can bet you money those cops showed those pictures around a bit before they were submitted to evidence.

I have long ago lost my faith in humanity and this is just confirms my belief.

Hold Music

I believe all hold music should be banned. I'm on hold for 30 minutes having to listen to Debbie Gibson, how is that customer service? Turn off the hold music and let me listen to some American Hi- Fi in peace. There is nothing worse than hearing some 80's pop song while something good is playing on my MP3 player. I know I could just hit pause, but that's not the point. I get some sort of stereo crappiness going on. "Walk like an Egyptian" in one ear and Audioslave in the next......It's just not right. I will know when the service person comes back on the phone..........Because they will start talking. No more hold music.....EVER!

I should be pretty busy on this today becasue its shapping up to be a very borning day, and I'm here for 10 hours.


If anyone out there has a good podcast I would be interested in listening to it. I've been looking around a bit and realized that there are just too many out there to start "trying them out". I don't have the time to DL all of them and listen to them. So if you got one and would like me to listen to it, I will. And I can review it here.....for the couple of people that read this.

Milkman and other stuff.

Milkman Murders #1,2- This series so far is great. I believe that this is the only kind of real horror that can be done in the comic book form. Disturbing themes and disturbing images (see the big BOO! Doesn't work well in comics) is the way to go to build a good horror comic and Joe Casy and company have pulled it off so far. It was pretty nice that I got to order this "set" though previews, so I got all four for I think 5 bucks. Great comic so far.

Walking Dead #19- This issue has restored my faith in this book. Less whining and more killing. Plus I like the emotional turmoil at the end. Also like the idea of the new character introduced, and how there was not much time spent on her so we can slowly learn what she is all about. Overall great writing and great art as always, and pleas please please keep this in black and white. I don't think would be so good in color. So it appears I just might start getting this monthy again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And for your viewing pleasure more reviews!

Ultimate fantastic Four #19- This is the first part of a 2 part fill in arc and ill have to say I have mixed feelings for it. First the art is horrible, not just bad, horrible. Every review I have read of this so far raves about the art. It just plain sucks. Now at first I wasn't diggin the story but about 1/2 way through it I really started to like it. So I will pick up the next issue just to get the rest of the story, and I will prolly end up getting the first of Millers run to see how that goes before I start ordering this again.

Small Gods #9- I've stopped ordering this. He used his "powers" once to dodge a bullet. The end of this was basically the main character telling the bad guy "I promise I wont say anything about your wrong doings if you leave me alone". This is what you always scream at the movie screen when this happens in the movies. But it just doesn't work well. You have 3 issues of getting chased and shot at, then at the end they decide that it will be ok if they just didn't say anything. It was dumb, this series had so much potential but seems like its been rushed. Oh by the way the artist on this rocks, he has a couple of perspective issues but his action sequences are the bomb.

that's it for today.

I'm sure ill have the rest of my comics read by the end of next week because I'm going on vacation.

this vacation should be fun as opposed to the last one. All I have to do is drink, fish and take care of my kid. Who by the way will not stop and sit down for one second. He is always moving, its insane. But he is fun so it all balances out in the end.

And if any of you out there can listen to 97.1 on Tuesdays at 4pm. DO IT DO IT. Paranormal Tuesdays on the Dave Glover show. Yesterday was the hardest I have ever laughed at a radio show in a long time.

Side note: I saw a dude eat it in Casa parking lot yesterday. And when I say eat it I mean it, he went ass over elbows. He was a younger guy so I didn't feel so bad for laughing at him. And he was with a bunch of his friends so I'm sure he got made fun of pretty good. So it was all around a funny day. Man I'm a dick.

Monday, July 11, 2005

More Reviews

Dampyr Sand Specters Vol #3- Almost lost faith in this book, but this Vol brought it back. I liked this one the most out of all of them. How can you go wrong with a haunted theme park? This Vol will make me buy the next couple. I guess that's the best praise I can give it, I'm going to buy more of them.

Smoke #1- Yes kiddies this is as good as they say it is. I had my doubts about ordering it, but not anymore. I love these kind of British stories. It really is a cross between Transmetropolitan and Alan moore. It has a huge Ellis feel without being a rip off. I loved it and I cant wait for the next 2 issues to finish the story. Go out and buy this.

On another note I down loaded the Talking Heads greatest hits. WTF was wrong with those people. None of it made sense. I know I know it was the 80's and most Rock/POP didn't make sense. But most if it didn't even sound good. This is how desperate I am for new music, I'm DL'in old 80's pop bands just to hear the song "Burning down the house", witch I only want to hear because it reminds me of Revenge of the Nerds. One of the greatest movies a 14 year old can see.

that's all for now.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Comic Reviews

Billy The Kids Old Tyme Oddities #3- Anything Eric Powell writes I'm going to like. I have faced that fact and I'm moving on. This book is funny and the art is great. The only thing that could make this better would be if Mr. Powell illustrated it himself, but Kyle does a great job. Everyone should be reading this.

Hellboy: The Island #1- I have a love hate relationship with Mike Mignola. First the art in this book was a little muddy in spots, to the point were I couldn't clearly see what was going on. And the writing at first was confusing. But by the end of it I really just wanted to read more. I started to understand more of what was going on the further I read, and I like that. This might be partially my fault that I haven't read a Hellboy book in a while so I didn't know much of the back story. But ill be buying the 2nd issue so I guess that means I like it.

Started reading SMOKE #1 loving it so far, full review after I'm done.

Here is what I have left to read this month and review.

SMOKE #1 (Of 3)


So I should get busy reading.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Another 24 hour story (with art this time)

Again some guys got together to run a 24 hour, binge drinking, story telling thing with art.

You can find the details here. Its pretty good so far. Especially since they are doing it "on the fly", anyway enjoy.


Went and saw Batman with my wife last night. I'd have to say I loved it. I was expecting it to be a little korny, but it really came though as a great movie. There were parts that could only be described as "Horror". The casting was great except for Katie Holmes, but really you could of put any pretty girl in that role and it wouldn't have mattered. I just think she is a retard, but that's more for other reasons not her acting. Alfred provided just enough comic relief to make the movie lighthearted in some parts. I didn't check the credits but does the writer director thank Frank Miller? Because he needs to. I just recently finished reading the "Dark Knight Returns" and I see a lot of common factors in the movie and the book. The scarecrow was incredible, he was truly scary.

And even my wife liked it!
So everyone go see the movie.....Yea both of you who read this, go see it!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Comic Reviews

Two more I picked up at the Geek Shop today.

Strange #6- I'm very happy with the way this series ended. I'm pretty sure this story has been told before, but I have never read it. I have been fascinated with the Dr. Strange character since the 1602 mini that came out last year? So all I can say is that if they make this an ongoing monthly title I will be there throwing my money at it.

Man With The Screaming Brain #2- More goodness from the mind of Bruce Campbell. I like it. It's funny and very korny, but it gets the job done and entertains. I really can't wait to see what kind of B movie this is going to make! Although I don't think anything can compare to Buba Ho Tep.

that's all.

I picked up a long box and the new title that has a Alan Moore script.....I forget the name of it and I'm too lazy right now to look it up.

Here is some advice for all Comic Shop Owners. When you are open for business don't put something in front of the door to make it impossible for someone to get inside.

Also, don't dork out once someone does get into the store. All I herd on Saturday was the two dorks obsessing over how useless one comic was over the next. Most casual readers and people like myself don't like the geeks.

Oh well, I guess that's why I order most of my stuff online, to stay away from the dorks.

that's all for now. My next load of comics should be waiting for me when I get home tonight. Of course that's if I ever get to leave tonight.

Also working on getting a Stephen Perkins Art book signed and a Chuck BB page of original art from Secret Skull. I'm kids excited about that. Mostly because I believe once I get the rest of my comics in that long box, they will be moved to the basement and then I can hang up original art pages down there.

that's all finally.

Friday, July 01, 2005

This is great

"Hjertström, an oil broker whose career took him to Iraq 25 years ago, makes no bones about the decision to exact revenge on his abductors. “I’ve lived [in Iraq] for a long time. This is how things are done there. It’s nothing new to me,” he says.Hearty Hjertström “doesn’t want to go into detail” about the bounty hunters, but assures Expressen that they are “the best money can buy.”“They’re not twiddling their thumbs,” declares Hjertström, revealing that he has “received confirmation that two of [the kidnappers] have already been taken care of.” When asked to elaborate on the fate of the purportedly captured men, the Swede says he “hasn’t inquired” but has his “suspicions.”

Just read this on someone else's Blog. How much does this sound like an 80's movie. This is great, I need a job were it is common practice to have people hunted and killed. Plus i belive bounty hunter get to use cool gear like night vision.

I may have to look into this profession.

Maybe there really is an A TEAM?

Another Friday

I should be more excited that its Friday, but I have to work tomorrow so it's more like Thursday for me. My best friend came into town last night and is here the whole Holiday, so I got that going for me. And here is my problem, he wants me to go out with him tonight and drink. Now normally I have no problem with that, but I have to work tomorrow and I have to get the house ready for the party on Sunday. And I don't think my wife will be too happy with me leaving her alone with my boy, all the while trying to clean the house.

Ahhhhh decisions decisions.

More later.