Saturday, August 27, 2005

More reviews

Smoke #2- Still lovin this book, I can see this being turned into a movie. Anyway this is receiving much praise and its well worth it. I cant find any faults with it. So go buy it ... Its good.

Little Book of Horror: Frankenstein- This was just all right. Little being the key word here, took me like 2 min to read. Not really sure its worth the price. I think my boy might like these when he gets older. Ill give the next one a chance, if I don't like that ill stop buying these.

That is all, I'm still reading the Dark Horse book.

And I got a couple of more books to go though.

On an unrelated note.....If anyone can give me directions to the Missouri mystery Mound.....They can win a prize.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Check this out!

This is an online comic set in the Lovecraft Mythos. The art is incredible and the writing is top notch. Makes me want to read more of it and buy the printed copy.

So everyone check this out.....Its good.

It's been a while

Well it's been a while since I posted something on here so I guess I should.

First thing I will do is review the last book I read so here goes.

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova- This is a book written in what I assume would be the Da Vinci Code style. It's a Indiana Jones meets stuffy school professors. I liked it, but then again I like everything that has archeologist, anthropology and old books and libraries wrapped up in Dracula. I'm going to assume that most of the history is correct in this book, but honesty I don't have the time to check and make sure it is, so I probably wont quote it. This book made me read faster and faster towards the end. The end was a little week, and set it up for another book. Although I cant even think of what couldn't be said about the subject in the 600+ pages I just read. I really liked Kostova's writing style so I will continue to pick up her books. But all and all it has more of a realistic fell to it, if you can put a realistic view on dracula. I do recommend it to all Dracula fans.

Now I need to go shopping for a new book.

I'm reading now the Dark Horse Book Of Hauntings and its going really slow, so it might be a bit before I review it.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm Back

Back from the camping trip and I can say that I have never been this tired and sore from vacation.

It was a hella good time. There were plenty of beer drank (550 cans worth for 4 days with 9 people) maybe that is why I'm tired. I'm sore from the float, even though no one fell out. Did some fishing and caught some trout.....I've never caught trout before so that was fun, even the little ones fight hard.

I'm sure there will be more stories about this trip as soon as the haze clears in my head.

on to some more reviews.

Small Gods Special #1- Still sucks, still not going to buy anymore of this series,. The only reason I had this was cause I pre ordered and pre paid for it. So this will be my official last issue of this. Although the art is very incredible....So it has that going for it.

Walking Dead #20- This series is still good. It kinda slowed down a notch, but I'm liking all the tension between the characters. So I'm intrigued and will continue reading. This is a secures that I always keep thinking I shouldn't like it, but I do.......That scares me.

The review for Walking dead was so short because everyone loves it and I don't have that much to add to it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Say it "I like reviews"

I read some more crap over the last few days. Here goes.

Billy the Kids Old Tyme Oddities #4- This was the last issue in the mini and it didn't disappoint. I really liked the series as a whole. It was fun to read and it ended open so there might be more, although I like Holtz art I would still rather see Powell do it. But still all around good comic making.

Desolation Jones #2- More Ellis greatness. I'm diggin this comic, but since I like most stuff he does its not that surprising . The art is good and the story is moving along nicely. Art is going good, with some flashes of greatness. I like the way ellis writes his characters, and his one liners.

Elk's Run #2- This is just getting better, although I think I would rather read this in the TPB form. But if memory serves me that is what this was written for.......TPB. Anyway I love this "Town with a secret" story line. I'm kind of a sucker for that sort of thing, its moving along and ill continue to buy it.

Hellboy: The Island #2- More confusingness from Mignola, I still like it. And its nice to know Hellboy's roots. But again I think he was trippin balls when he wrote this. I'm not sure how much more Hellboy ill be getting in the future though.

That's it for now and we leave for the camping trip tomorrow morning. So nothing more here till next Monday, unless I see something funny today.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Ok I tried to do this once and the power went here we go again.

Just a couple of reviews, I've been reading stuff pretty quickly so I should be done with my comics soon. But that novel "The Historian" is pretty long so that might be a while.


NONI juice while able to cure everything from cancer to the Clap, also apparently works on dogs and cats. All this from my douche bag of a co worker that sits right next to me and preaches in a nasal stuttering voice about the benefits of drinking NONI juice that is 40$ a bottle. So if you have ANY medical problems just get yourself a 40$ bottle of NONI juice and it will all go away. The only thing I know for sure it doesn't cure is being a monumental douche. Well at least it hasn't cured him yet. Ok enough of the bitching and onto the reviews.

Ocean #6- Typical Warren title down to the one liners that seem to come straight from his Badsignal mailing list. But I like his dialog and his one liners so that's ok. The art was solid, but I had some troubles towards the end trying to figure out what exactly happened. I had to go back and re-read some parts to figure it out. I liked the ending witch is rare for me. It tied in a lot of the elements set up in the earlier issues. As a whole I really enjoyed this series and recommend it.

The Goon #13- I cant say this enough, if you are into comics you need to be reading this title. This is the first book I read when I get my comics because its usually the best. Powell's art is incredible and consistent. Sometimes I wish he wouldn't do anything mainstream because he's like "my little secret". I know the Goon is not a secret but it feels that way because I have been there from day one. Its like that great local band you hope never gets big because you have listened to the since they started making music and it feels very personal. This comic is always makes me laugh out loud. I will stare at the art much longer than any other book I have bought. And also you cant go wrong with a "Shawshank redemption" reference. So if your not buying this you should.

Three Nights In August- I know this is not a comic book, but its something I read so I will review it. This is a book about the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team manager Tony LaRussa. This book is not your typical biography, in fact its not a biography at all. It's more about what goes through a managers mind before, during and after a three game series. This particular three game series was with the Chicago Cubs, or nemesis. I loved this book. Not only because I have followed LaRussa since he was with the Oakland A's, but because he is an amazingly dedicated person. If you do not like baseball there is nothing in this book for you. This book walks you though pregame preparations and in game decisions that a manager has to make. It also has little anecdotes about the player that were on the team at that time. The only problem that I had about this book was the end seemed rushed. And its still a book about a sport so its a little tedious and slow in parts. But I still loved it and recommend it to anyone that is remotely interested in why a Hit and Run was put on in a certain situation during a baseball game.

That is all for now.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What I got

This is the list of comics and stuff I got in the mail yesterday. As soon as I read them I will review them.

GOON #13
OCEAN #6 (Of 6)
SMOKE #2 (Of 3)

I'm also tring to read "Three Nights in August", and "The Historian"

So it might be a while on these.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

One more

One more review before I get my next load of comics today.

Little Book Of Horror: War of the Worlds- Another in the series by Steve Niles. I liked it. I little juvenile, but I think that it would be a great introduction to a classic for a kid. Nothing really special but it was short and got the point across. The art was well done, with painted panels and prose excerpts instead of the normal panel and word balloons. I liked it enough to keep buying the series.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Final reviews for July....Even though its August

Hell House Vol 4- The final vol in series and its good just like the rest of them. I never read the novel, only seen the movie, so there is a couple things I have problems with. Both the movie and the comic really doesn't get across how important the "roaring giant" was to Belasco's legend. Now I'm assuming that the book portrays this better. But all and all it reads just like the movie, and I liked the movie. The art was again well done, and the dialog was great. That's about all I can say about this series.

Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol 1- Great, just great. I loved this and I will probably be buying more of the trades. Now I can see why this is considered a classic. There was just enough horror to make it interesting but still being a super hero book. The only bitch I had about the whole thing was the Jason Blood character, didn't think he was necessary. But Morre was probably setting it up for later books.

Clive Barker's The Thief Of Always Vol 3- Again I loved the series. Its just good kid scaring fun. Its not perfect, but I really loved the art. I just wish I would have waited on this because the hardcover all in one edition is comming out. It really was hard to believe this was by Clive Barker....All the way until the end. Then there were some darker moments. But I still loved every Vol.

OK will be getting more comics tomorrow and I bought "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova, so I will need to read and review that.

More later today.