Read most of what I got in the mail the other day so here goes.
GARTH ENNIS 303 #5 (Of 6)- This is OK, I just don't know how this is all going to wrap up in one more issue. I'll be honest I don't know what Garth is trying to say with this mini. But the are is OK to look at, even though a lot of the faces seem to look the same. I'll have a better idea if I like this mini after the last one is out. But as of now this is nothing special.
GOON #14- Return of Buzzard! YAY! To be honest this is not one of the better issues of the GOON. I like it because its the Goon and Eric Powell is writing it. But I have a feeling he is setting up something for the future issues. And I don't really like someone else (Kyle Holtz) illustrating a goon story. I like Powell's artwork so well I just want a issue chock full of it. But its good, I've just read better from the GOON!
DESOLATION JONES #3- This is by far pure Ellis at his best. I might even like this better than Transmetropolitan. Wait...I also think Fell was his best.....Oh well he is just firing on all cylinders with the work he is putting out. This story in particular is great, pornographic fun. I don't say that because there is a lot or Porn going on. I say that because most of the issue is a Porn actresses talking about the industry. The issue was slow, but I love his characters. Now on to the third greatest thing I read this week.
FELL #1- This would be Third greatest thing. The concept and the book are amazing. Now I'm not a huge Templesmith fan, but he gets the job done here with great ease. Love the main character and the stories should be fun. And it was only 1.99$, cant go wrong with that! Go and buy it....More of Ellis's goodness. Now on to the Greatest thing I read this week.
REVELATIONS #2 (Of 6)- This series just keeps getting better. Not only does it make me chuckle everything he curses at his cigarettes, it also has me sitting on the edge wanting to know what comes next. The art still seems out of place for a story like this but it doesn't take anything away from the story. It reminds me of Rex Mundi.....And that's a good thing. Go buy this and read it!
that's it for now stile have a couple of books to read. And I should be ordering the rest of the Darktower King books soon.
Also my FF team is on the brink of a disappointing loss.....Ward cannot score more than 4 points tonight......