Hey I was just going around online reading some history of Grunge Music and stuff....and there is a lot of good info out there.......Witch led me to think that there needs to be some sort of large book published about the history of Grunge....
One of the quotes was pretty good it went something like this "Grunge could not have sustained its self because the very performers shunned big time exposure and big corporate labels....so in essence they didn't want to become huge, so the big record labels went and found someone who wanted to be big...ala stadium rock"
I thought that was a pretty good assessment of what happened. These artists didn't want to let "the man" dictate what they wanted to do, and it seemed they really didn't care how many people listened to them. Witch is partly the reason they were so appealing. Its funny that most of those artists don't really care that they aren't big anymore, some of them went to college after they realized what the music biz was all about!! I also found it interesting that the reason a lot of these people made the music they did was because of the 80's heavy metal and how much they wanted something different. Now we have the corporate machine that churns out crap that fills stadiums at an alarming pace I hope something akin to the Grunge movement happens again soon, but I don't think there is much hope in that.
But I was always wondering how these guys got big, and I read that it was all about independent labels. I always wondered how a big label would have ever signed the Screaming Trees. Now I know how....They didn't!
Anyway just rambling about nothing...